Monday, February 2, 2009

My Dog Sounds Like Has Pneumonia

The miracle!

On my last night-reading I came across in the magazine "MATRIX 3000, Volume 46, July, August, 2008, to an interesting article. A report by Ernst Meckelburg "Kosyrev coverage" - Energy performance of the time.

He will report on experiments of the Russian astrophysicist Professor Nikolai A. Kosyrev who wants to bring readers closer to nature of time. It's here to win the so-called Kosyrev levels, with the time experiments on a new quality.

Newly flares up interest in entertainment films that deal with time travel and Reality Manipulation is no accident discuss renowned physicists and astrophysicists but now for years in respected journals seriously the possibility of spatial and temporal dislocations - the artificially induced invasion in different time periods or even in parallel universes. In the models presented by you are mostly backward movement in time, therefore time travel into the past. That's understandable, but the blows "Time Wind" in the "train time" is always from the front - the opposite direction. In our analogy, the time has diluted the front, here it goes - from our point of view - "slow".

"behind" us, the time contrast, "thick", ie, massed, resulting in greater travel time "distance" more comfortable . Let In other words: Temporal backward movements would certainly be less problematic than traveling in one of the yet to be lying or futures higher dimensionalities.

mirror worlds

Professor Nikolai A. Kosyrev, one of the most distinguished astrophysicist of Russia was interested in back in the 60s of last century for energy and "density" aspects of the experimental period and was doing some interesting discoveries. In his view, see the cause-effect relationship - causality - with the unwarranted distinction between past and future, in close relationship. His experiments are based on profound reflection, to a better understanding of the phenomenon of time need to be mentioned briefly.

Kosyrev has determined that the time has a quality that shows the differences between cause and effect. From the seemingly real number values by specific properties of the time structure can be also equal to the Grundtheorem derive the causal mechanism: A world with an opposite time structure corresponds to comparatively none, as reflected in a mirror.

remains in a mirror world, however, receive the full causality. Events there would have to run just as regularly as in our world. It would be wrong to assume that if a movie backwards allowed to proceed, we possess a world model with a reversed time direction sense. The signs of the time intervals can not formally change. For this would, so Kosyrev lead to the disruption of the usual time sequence, to a perverse world that would not be viable. ......

short at the end of the report:

From the result of his experiments Kosyrev concludes that the time in the cosmos, not spreading, but rather that it immediately and everywhere, that is, at the same time makes its appearance. On the timeline, then the entire universe would be as it were concentrated on one point - a theory that the model represented by the author a more than four dimensions comprehensive hyper-universe in an almost ideal match.

Kosyrev believes that the time-free transfer of information with statements of special relativity can be reconciled. In a "point-like" model of the world not only the applicable laws of physics would be maintained, but also find many unusual, that is paranormal and para-physical phenomena such as telepathy, precognition, and the like Erscheingen a statement.

hide behind these revolutionary findings are tentative approaches to the realization of a dream of humanity, in parallel with one of us in the future High living terrestrial civilizations was realized long ago. Time travel into his past. This might come to use the energy aspect of the manipulation time as an economic instrument to break the time barrier and penetration into other realities to bear.

Readings: Ernst Meckelburg break "time-experiments"
scientists the time bound
Michaels ISBN 978-3-89539-491-1