Saturday, November 15, 2008

Snowmobile Running Board Extenders

Latest news from Egypt


So here now the first expected last news from the Province.
tomorrow I will book my flight and then soon return to the home back.
is still raising hell and we are completely booked. My power is in the end and I just want to vacation yet.
have now 5 of my 8 tests passed and I'm already a good deal more on the way to scuba diving instructor. unfortunately I do not come forward with my dives especially since my water is too cold now and I've lost my nebenhölen surely 10 or 15 dives. oh well!
but am looking forward to a hopefully instructive year 2009, can be crowned with success.
see you in a few days, I look forward to. until then ........

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wedding Dress Garment Bag


have received your parcel and was happy Delightfully it. Many many thanks!
are also all nearly burst with envy because I am one of the few in the years to 7 are given the base a birthday parcel sent added.

So many thanks and will remain as it has been!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Stomach Pain From Cold Drinks

birthday in the desert

so after I was with an alleged major call internet from off lured had been me cheek to a big fat hands over cake and a birthday song for me sing ...... what to say. at this point thanks to all the new friends I've won here ..... seems at least as

;-) otherwise I'm learning to time with our prospective Divemaster ever the theory with which I need and I will therefore works even if a be ready when I get home then.
also today I was able to go alone for guiding what has me a little proud.
as much out of the desert and soon, I count the days ................

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Writting A Letter To Daughter For Confirmation

So here what little time underwater by Flo in action! Well net is much action, but yes na ..........

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Lost My Sim Card With Telcel

news again

So here again the latest stories from the desert. After two days I was previously pumped full of fluids and syringes, but I could tatzächlich begin a few days ago with the Rescue Diver Course and now I have my final tomorrow tag with the big tests, oh god ..... Otherwise
is a new instructor - come reception for the couple today, of course, the best apartment poorly made out to be freed. Pisses me think really slow at this kind of Buisse in which the people are shit anyway because it is new and because they are dependent, needs all get pushed back inside.
also have noticed that I only I can start next years with Divemaster and that makes me sour again also.
Well yes we see how far you can drive it here until someone truly burst times of the collar.
Otherwise I'm fine and I hope you all well.

Bye flo

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Life Time Fitnessmembership Cost


so now again some news from Egypt.

have now unfortunately I found the season goes through to the end of October without one has a little breather and must honestly say I'm Urlaubsreif. Slowly my constant Arbeiterei is already hanging out on the neck. Looking forward if I can be in winter, a little at home.

Will also stay no longer than necessary here next year because I see no desert anymore.

Looking forward, however, already working on some other places that I've made so see J

Otherwise, I was a few days once again caught cold and was lying flat (damn air conditioning). Technically, of course, went further by immersion also nothing more. Well yes'll probably have to wait. See you soon!