Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Driving In Dr Scholl's Wooden Sandals

east coast, we come .... Alice Springs

Woooooowwwwww around almost 4 months and only now following our next entry. Sorry 'bout that, guys :-)

Now we want to finally give an insight into what we've seen everything:

eight weeks of hard work have gone in Alice Springs, bringing the city for us almost something like a home was. Our haven, the YHA and our little backpacker family was there. After 2 months in Central Australia "We are there very many nice people and have grown to love the life there sweetened. Even if it was a constant coming and going there the hard core of "Long-Term Stay" to a community united.

Whether intense conversations, boozy evening or night cooking sessions - it was just always something going on. Probably the most fun we had in our local pub, the "Bojangles". There we have our third member for our further journey to know - Gell, Annika :-)?
ado, the Annika alias "Schnorri" our plans completely upset and We believe in long conversations like this that we would prefer to tropical Cairns and should not travel to the Siberian Adelaide. THANK ANNIKA, you saved our tan and keeps us from freezing to death!

Life in Alice soon became part of everyday life and we decided: it should be her something new! So get out a 3-day trip to Uluru, Kata Tjuta and Kings Canyon. Just incredibly beautiful and impressive, so we prefer to let pictures speak a thousand words.

three days a change was not enough and so we realized our plan to fly to Cairns - along with Annika. But we could not leave Alice and not leaving the community! On we went to a great, mega hammer brilliant, absolutely crash moderate evening to Bo's. A farewell as he is in the book: Night durchgezächt, the Mc Donald over in the morning at 5.00Uhr more quickly washed the laundry (.? What are some, however, have pressed ... Tina And where were you?) And not to forget a farewell breakfast at the Red Dog Cafe "with all our loved ones. Total
finished and in the end we arrived at the airport in Alice and were equal to the first shock. Flight: 2 hours late ... all clearly have to wait, we wait - time to catch up on sleep! But no sooner was checked in the next Hammer: of 2 hours, 5! That meant for us to wait 5 hours for the flight to Melbourne and then of course missed our connecting flight to Cairns - PRIMA!!
So change of plan again! After long discussions in English with the airport staff, we got our will and moved the entire flight on a day later! Conclusion: persistence pays off, people! And suddenly we were back in our YHA and were viewed with questioning eyes. :-)

The next day, then everything ran smoothly and we were able to land successfully after 15 hours of flight in Cairns. In the middle of the night, but was without hostel with some connections but then we get into the city and sleep in the hostel - were free (!!!) The next day some of us afflicted with panic attacks and wanted to leave the city the fastest means. So fast times just booked a campervan and off we went down to our exhilarating tour the East Coast.

First stop Cape Tribulation and its beautiful beach, right next to the rain forest. Chilling on the beach and long drives through the "Rain Forest" gave us a feeling of freedom.

The highway led our beaches and forests to lakes and the mountains. A night that we will probably remain forever in my memory, was the remote on a lake somewhere in the back country of Australia. No one knew how the place was called but we knew we were in paradise. In an open campfire and starry night, we sat in a circle with profound conversations and let the peace and nature act upon us.

The next day we headed to the three waterfalls "Milla Milla Falls Water", "Ellinjaa Waterfalls" and "Zillie Waterfalls". A wonderful sight and good swimming opportunities received us. Pure nature!

That same day we left the tranquility and nature, and arrived in the city of Townsville. Quick to Mc Donald, and then find a quiet place to sleep, that was the plan ... .. Mc Donald when we spent hours and for a quiet spot and we did not find. We chose namely an observation point from which you could see the night skyline of Townsville.

But not only do we come up with this idea, but a group of young Australians, but there did not sleep, but the space used for partying. The night was short and nerve-wracking - and therefore your mood the next day :-)

Our goal as quickly as possible out of the city. Airlie Beach port of call was with his beautiful town and although the next day, bad weather was reported in good faith, the 3 girls booked a tour to the Whitsunday Islands with a Seegelschiff - or rather a shipwreck? Well
always think positive! This setting however, we had just under 2 hours on the boat lost. In the pouring rain and high waves, we did not just bored on the boat, but were also forced to snorkel! Sea wet, wet rain, the boat wet, clothes wet and then hot no shower far and wide! The Mood was moving rapidly toward zero, and after a rocking night they arrived was not only at the zero point, but at the absolute low point.
The short dive the next morning was a small highlight, but unfortunately he could tear anything. Who thinks, "What's the Worst no more!" Is you are wrong: the middle of the sea thrown from the boat, we were soaking wet and exposed in full gear for 2 hours on an island! Although we had to cry to mute we first fell into loud laughter came when our faces revolt on the beach! You would not believe but the next morning decency than the journey home was soon as the sun and the port received us with a clear blue sky ... a little too late, as we find!

evening still a good degree in the city with cool beats in the "Mama Africa's" the next day it was already on to Hervey Bay.

morning, afternoon and evening: FIRST CHILLEN enjoy the sun. Accordingly, brown and relaxed we could leave the city after a "strange" Disco visit. But do not forget the discovery of the Month: An Aldi, just on the roadside at home in Germany. Since joy came on :-)

Our JUCY Camper led us safe and healing to Rainbow Beach where we started our first surf in the sea trials and had clean fun. Bruises, sore muscles and scratches were the result. But despite everything, we will try it again!

stood So now the next tour to - Fraser Iceland or rather, the paradise on earth! Miles of beaches, rainforest and azure waters encountered each other. Just look at the pictures.

That evening we went even further to Noosa, the city of the rich and famous. Our first impression was: "Oh beautiful city," but when we starved completely searched for something to eat and we just could not afford anything, the city was at one time but not as nice. A night at the campsite and off we went to Brisbane last destination of our journey.

On the highway, comparable to the Autobahn in Germany (on what you'd go, unfortunately, only 110km / h ... ridiculous.!) Started the horror: process 1000 times, no plan of Nix and arrived without a road map of Brisbane We in the City. A friendly lamp seller took pity on a google-map-print card and explain to us the way to the campsite 3x.
was as often as the weather dam in Brisbane .... So we decided to walk through the town the time to market. Frustrated and totally stunned, we had to admit that our frequent, if not daily Mc Donald visits had left their mark. "Have you found anything?" - "Nee, was too small!" From then on, we said the kilos for battle!

We did not only deny that one more day together, because our Annika on Saturday flew back to Alice - for financial reasons, of course, not because they do not like our support continues would have. :-) Also this
farewell (on time of course) was celebrated. In Brisbane - the city of ugly men - our Feierei starts first in a hostel with one to two, maximum of 5 bottles of wine or champagne 23.00Uhr order we marched down the street and we were right in the middle and "full" here. To naturally as little money as possible, we decided to spend the Spaßbar "caliber". Speaking of little money for 3 mini-drinks, we paid a measly $ 27-same time FUCK OFF! Annoyed by intrusive freaks we went in search of something new. No man will believe us when we landed: The Beat - Club of gays and Lesbians! Yeah ... that one has to join all times .. hahahaha!

was called after 2 hours of sleep then: "Time to Say Goodbye". But for that we had unfortunately not much "time". A typical "Annika-bye" - hectic, uncontrolled and completely unorganized, and it again because we thought we would have 20 min. With backpack and burst in tears shall we let our Schnorri heavy heart.

Now we
sit here in Surfers Paradise indulge in memories and let the fabulous time again to reminisce. Conclusion: a SEEEEEHHHHRRRRR successful trip! Schee wars!

Here's a little insight into the communication and the profound discussions of the three chickens:

- Annika: "I raced the same, who want to make me all ready!"
- Leo: "AUAUAUAUAUAU me ne snake bitten or was but the hot water "
- Tina:" Sooooooorry "
- Annika:" A circle that thinks he's square does not know that he can turn "
- Leo:" age, ey "
- Tina!: "Said Fleischer not always, if only the word is funny!"
- Annika: "One is where the matter now?"
- Leo: "I'm already sunburned!"
- Tina: "I can not Mc Donald see more! "
- Annika:" This means "legs" and not "feet," Leo "
- Tina:" Annika: that is, "it's mine" not "it's me!" "A very

insightful conclusion was: "but what does sun cream" - Jaaahhaaa of us can still learn something! ;-)

So that is all of us first again. Otherwise you will be amazed so no longer get out! We solemnly promise, soon to leave what horn of us :-)

Leon and Tina

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hacked Pokemon Roma Cydia Source

It is so terrible. [Mecker post]

* sigh * It's so terrible that I just can not consistently manage to find me good.

It is also terrible that days on which I feel unbeatable, so rare.

The worst, however, I find that I have all the people around me find so much nicer than me. (No, I do not want statements like mad, beautiful or desirable, I am - it all has to go simply because otherwise I will explode.)
There was some time ago a blog post by the sweet Asu (yes, I find them cute oO! ) that they are just great finds - from sound reasons! - And it her shit is whether and by whom they ugly or too fat (?) refers. Geiler journal * click *
you found great, cool, beautiful, and I know everything and I still find it not only admirable, I find it absolutely healthy and fine.
Why? Is obvious in itself. It is heartbreaking to nothing with her when she is dressed silly - even for me.
you need anyone to tell her she was mad etc - I (unfortunately) already.

And there lies the rub. Without confirmation from the outside, I feel bad (no, this is still °_°!), no call but I'll take "foreign" to the negative opinions To go much more to heart than a "Wow that is so cute!" Or something similar. Somehow paradoxical.
I offended anyone, it destroyed me for some time wants me to be someone to say that he thinks I'm mad, I laugh it off.
The whole can then only one conclusion: I want to hear that I'm shit. So I can feel worse, so I can wallow in self pity how ugly and fat I am. How right they all have!, I moan then. And my husband just shakes his head.

simple consequence would now, of course, just to make more sport and best at night around 0 clock Mäcces reinzustopfen in me. In theory, really easy and convenient to be not much more severe if this hunger would be for non-sudden and acute pain to do this sport. (Some women or men (?) Will support me at this point, perhaps with a sigh.)

I had some time ago a kind of "icon" that represented my perfect ideal of beauty (No, not Asu) and the almost everywhere registered was where I was. Thus, they made it pretty easy to always have the latest photos and the like to be considered by it.
She was small, creative, and changed her hair color, as some of their underwear.
Grade I just had this urge again, just older Pictures of her to look back and falling into a hole that I never such beautiful green eyes, yet this body size would get. Let alone to wear dress size 40 and still have ne giant bust (Jah, I oute me to big breasts! But only natural ... because I always say, "rather small, natural, as a big honking surgical °_°")
Um where I was ... a long story short, I find myself sucks. Ongoing. I hate my blue eyes and I let myself go so hab. My sausage fingers I go to the mind and and and ... Before I continue to bore you with my self-hatred, I would rather conclude that it is nice that came out of me the whole time ...

because my husband makes the non-determined each time with ^ ^

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Vip222k Usb Port Used For

Mea Culpa T_T I'm so lazy!

As the less will have noticed, I am very lazy at the moment what the blog is concerned. Where it comes from? I even know you.

I'm going to pack an easy a few pictures of the wedding, so you can suckers a bit:)
was prophylactically said that we have felt the ceremony as very good and the gifts also muuuch more often than I would have ever expected ö.ö
So, I just start with the photos and if I make a meaningful comment on this incident, I put him under it.
What I forgot to mention last time: All of the photos has only a photo my dear brother Jörg, who will steal Spanking \u0026lt;3

\u0026lt;3 My niece Super

is advantageously different ^ ^ But I mags.

wedding dance \u0026lt;3 (It was so awful it was embarrassing and Peter Maffay, "How are you" played on accordion °__°)

Ask me non, because what I've gesabbelt oO

Happy couple \u0026lt;3

favorite sister \u0026lt;3 (yes even a Hab, but she is the best!)

cut cake \u0026lt;3 * _ *


Mampf! (Note will not have the big belly XD)

And finally, the figurines, I absolutely had to have: 3 Quote: "Look at the murder you ass in the show Do I have * hint *!"

Hope it was non-too boring and you did enjoy the pictures, as I their creation \u0026lt;3