Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Eurosport Adventure Elliptical Review

Easter impressions

It was a beautiful Easter Sunday morning. The day promised again sunny and warm up to, but now at seven clock you could still feel the cold of the snow of Rax, one of the last foothills of the eastern Alps, which has now been exposed already by the rising sun and fabulous with its white blanket of lush green landscape of the rest took off. My dog, Aron, and the line, I decided to pick, watercress from a nearby creek. A short piece we went by car, and after the residential areas on foot. Just a short, steep slope and we stood on the banks of the little mountain stream. Quiet it then bubbled in a pristine, fairy-tale landscape. The remains of the last wind breaks were seen still, 2 years ago had an arrant storm right lanes left in the forest. Jeztzt but everything was quiet in front of me, only the chirping of birds accompanying the murmur of the brook. Beethoven's "Sixth" came to my mind, this book describes the most excellent sound idyll that presented itself to me.

I almost forgot to these impressions, so I came here, but it was a real spectacle, what I got to see. The valley in which the stream flowed, was still in the dim shadows, next above me, a steep slope, you could see now illuminated by the sun, the very top of the tower of the castle, which stands guard over this landscape. In a few minutes they will have bathed the rest of this structure in their blinding light.

Now it was but it's still collect on cress, while picking I tasted some stems, their slightly bitter, but intensely pungent taste was very refreshing, a good meal was nothing in the way of. Enough, I wanted to Pöschung high, back to the car as something black next to me into the water splashed. I looked, I looked back over the yellow dots of a fire salamander and, on the other side, a second stretched his paws a little awkward on a small rock, an uncommonly lovely sight these reptiles - relics from the distant past. What can happen to you a wonderful Easter Sunday morning, still more beautiful - and at home we have an egg-seeking grandchildren expected for a Sunday breakfast .........


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