Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Luxury Speed Boats For Sale

The way back into the world city "Sydney"

Halli Hallo Hallöchen because simma again :-)

promised, we now take us more times the time in our busy (haha) and tell you what down under has to offer everything.

Where were we are at the left? Ohhhh yeah ... just Surfers Paradise and the time of Schoolies.
First we must explain to you what "Schoolies" really are: Schoolies are the Australian school-leavers aged 16-18year who are looking to party, alcohol, and sleepless nights. Of which there were about one sextillion in Surfers! It can be seen this species by Gröhlgesänge loud and raw, flying eggs from the balcony.
Because the streets were full of them anyway, we thought: just go into the fray and on to a brilliant party tour for $ 30, which began with a more or less good BBQ at 17.30h ... for the money gabs 5x free Admission to clubs and one free drink. Were announced up to 300 guests. Sorry, there's only about 100 were in the end ... Too bad.
went to a game of pool from there to go bowling and then caught the party on the right: from Schoolies groped and the "dance floor" we were soon forced fed up with the Feierei. Then it was also on the hour "location change" - that is out of the club, joint pilgrimage through the streets and into the next. What a stress!

To 22.00 already totally annoyed at the end and we saw good old friend also from Germany and decided to end our party icy cold in the hostel :-) with thick lips and totally exhausted we returned late in the night in our hostel back. Getting up after a night a lot of hard times again but our bags had yet to be packed for the drive to Byron Bay.

Byron Bay welcomed us with a nice hostel, strange roommates and a giant lizard by the pool. Lang has not lasted and we were already acquaintances with two Dutch cops. In order to allow us
times a change and not just constantly hanging out in any clubs, we opted for an evening at the cinema with the new "Harry Potter" strips. NICE!

In order to do something cultural here the next day we took a trip to "Nimbin", small Amsterdam Nimbin in Australia :-)
short explanation: The city consists of about 300 inhabitants, all living in the same street - because there's only a yes. The main line of business is to hash to plant, for sale to tourists and to bring intoxicating "cookies" to the man. What a life! Machined stores, hippies as far as the eye and colorful buildings - this is Nimbin. A very insightful day was therefore come to an end.

But we could not leave Byron Bay of course, to have acquired in the night without some. Accompanied by the Dutch women, we rocked the "Cheeky Monkeys" As for the doormen to the light and asking us politely to leave.

from Byron Bay are the Greyhound bus transferred to Coffs Harbour. There's much to be said. We spent the day with a few attempts at surfing beach and traveled the next day on her way.

time again with bruised we landed in Port Macquarie in the Witch House!

Since this time Peter had no mercy on us and it regnetet in streams, we spent the time apart from a visit to the Koala Hospital, in the "Höstelchen.

We met during a Monopoly game with our Austrian Simon know where we I still have spent much time. torn
morning to five in the most beautiful dreams, we went together with Simon, Mariza (Mexican) and Daniel (Spain) to Newcastle.
on foot and with the "Free Bus" we made our first on the road to Aldi. With biscuits and Pumpernickelbrot in the bag, we explored the city.
Our friendly backpacker hostel invited us to a free BBQ. Unfortunately, since the drinks were not free, it went after dinner to the bottle shop and our new drinking game taught-was used. Sorry guys but we need you, come on! Ha ha ... a perfect evening!

Not quite fit but full of enthusiasm we started in our little group on the way to Port Stephens on the "sand boarding". A GA ... MEEEEEE fun experience as you will see from the photos.

Now it was too far. We could already hear Sydney almost smell and taste. After a long time we came again to us in a familiar spot. But not only the place we knew, but also the person who received us at the station: Our Gretel!
After a week full board at the house of Henery, which was read to us every wish of his lips, we landed COOL in the cosmopolitan city of Sydney!
What we expect is here, we will tell you next time.
be your stay excited ...

Tina and Leonie - Sydney's newest resident


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