Monday, January 31, 2011

Laser Gun Sound Written

is followed by a new one my Gedankendiarrhoe! [Plus: My manga shelves]

Um, yes. As you might now (correctly) suggests this will be another post where I throw together all the time ready for me personally, makes disturbing, annoying, and I remember everything.
who read the will can not of course leave, 3

Before begin with my garbage, I have to get rid of course, that I finally have my long-lost manga shelves (which only my pets are kept almost the crème de la crème) finally got into our apartment.
And since I like to spoil my stalker, I take a photo like this * click * and show it to you. N At least part of it.
Look For the full, simply click on it, believe me ° _ °
These are the top 2 rows, it follows another one, but it is SO messy, because I thought I would see only the Demonstrable page ^ ^ '
It says much of n bit (except GTO, which is entirely in the form), because I read everything getting somewhere and I later bought the first volumes have ... Nana is about to complete, 1-8 band is for luck around at my Manga Dealer: D

Um, yes, that's the "Hooray, finally got something!" - list, otherwise goes in my head just garbage.

I'm excited, quickly offended, feeling technically just absolutely unpredictable and completely dissatisfied.
years, it is up to me to change something, I'm with. But simply addressing the dissatisfaction creates unfortunately not automatically satisfaction (as far as clear?).

I have determined lot, dream of so many people. An apartment with a great husband (the roommate out, we cling), a wonderful marriage with husband previously mentioned, I have super great friends (a nod to Sista, Nast, and of course my StöffStöff Lui \u0026lt;3), a wonderful family (and there is an equally wonderful added), so I'm at school of challenge that I really need to do much (I should go back more often but I -.-), have certain talents and many passions and interests, a car in front of the door, food in the fridge ... WHAT THE HELL I WANT FOR YET ?

Too much.
It sounds absurd or not, but all I is not enough. I would be lying if I said I would, I lacked n Job, ne vocation. I could
cope well with it being a housewife and mother, my husband make the day after work comfortably and read it all the desires of the eyes.
What I want to but a living? After graduation?
I do not know.
I would have preferred a creative work that would come along well in an office. Moment, creative work? Do I really? Perhaps you prefer a monotonous job where I can not too far wrong. Huh, that would be me, but after years determined to be boring.
Will I achieve something, or do I just move?
sparkling wine or soda?
heads or tails?


For just because I already own so many great ... I have no idea what I want out of life yet.
I want to be on everyone's lips, but remain a secret.
I want the people to tear me, but I should just leave her alone ...

wish I most probably me that I could even tell me what I really want.

With these thoughts I leave you now left alone, for I must to bed. At least a small load is written from the soul and I would be grateful to you if it the easy hinnehmt:)
If you want to add his two cents, the course may still make love to you!


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