Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cheap Green Game Blunt Wholesale

wedding report with some photos - Couple a life far

Sooo, even before the rumor is spread, I would be dead, I'm now one of two reports with the contents of my wedding, or part 2 is the report of my party. Since I still do not have much of the ceremony photos, I will therefore have no other choice than to cleave XD But I have not yet completely all images ... whoever reads this, then, and still has photos ... HER SO! * Cough *


Well, uh, we start with the 19/10/2010, for as I am to work my best (well, can go have xD), and since then test mating, or discuss the hair style was in it. I tell you, there are already firm ugly wedding hairstyles! Rarely seen so much trash in a pile ^ ^ But fortunately, my Luisa know how she turns me happy * proud * guck

After a bit of palaver, they simply started to attract my hair (because hair rock!).
My ass was numb, as we were done and I am satisfied with the results - and also her boss (a very important aspect.).
After over 2 hours of sitting around in the car and finally held Boemm Gondolas workshop to strengthen themselves properly for the next day - with fries and burger ^ ^
In Lui home first met her mother and made my questioned what concerns me and my Möbblschn. brought
bubbling behind us and Two and a Half Men during the meal looked (years, it was takeaway ^ ^). Not really tired, we decided to throw even the purely fantastic (old) movie "Beetle Juice". Lui snorkeled at some point on the sofa in front of him and I decided on the mattress (which was on the floor) to listen to the pillows - in vain.
you woke up after half an hour or so and staggered towards the bed and I dug and turned me from left to right, but I could not sleep ... at least long before. wegnicken 15 minutes, wake up, turn around, wegnicken 15 minutes etc. .. So I got around yet smooth 6 hours and I was totally turned oO
5:45 I was sitting straight as in "bed" and waiting for it 6 would clock, so stand up and Lui can officially start the day.
As expected it was non-immediately and I decided to seek the quiet village. Along the way, I am already happily from her mother with a "Good morning!" welcomed. How to Speed I greet back XD and nozzle to the bathroom.

After some Weckversuchen we then sat at the kitchen table and I ate breakfast Oh, and crash with a single 5-ton rolls and felt Selter. When food was still nice to Luis mom chatted and then these stubbs me happy that I could to the bathroom to make myself ready. Dress and hygiene matters caught and upwards. Notice that you have no hair dryer - I immediately got a hold in their hands.
set ellen wet your hair, that there is no shampoo -.- Just keep and wash as best we can get out the old hair spray.
dry hair and find that I did not brush -.- So I taper for my wedding dress down to get by Lui ne brush. (I was allowed to occupy the upstairs bathroom, Lui was therefore the Lower) after repeated knocking and calling, she opens the door unnerved bleats at me "WHAT?" and sees that I am. "Oh, I thought you were my mom XD" - "I need ne brush, there is no top." - "Something like?" - "Jo." Brush and get back trudge to the top.

went from there all so so fast ... hair blow dried and combed, shoes tightened things packed up and then we went on in the barbershop. It was still quite non-7:30 clock in the morning and the more time passed, the more I became microenvironment. I could not really sit still. 9:10 Against Clock was made up and I got after that Lui fix their hair trimmed, and we were going as planned on time. Since
take this ride for some time, it comes naturally, every minute. At 11 clock was the wedding date and at half past 11 we were still not arrived. Panic spread through me and could also improved by Lady Gaga's non-Romance is Bad - I had the prognosis of this song in a loop to hear in my head during the ceremony, as I am as susceptible to the song -.-
On the ride the way I saw 2 large, beautiful rainbows ... the time is not a good sign \u0026lt;3

At quarter to 11 we arrived - and no bad one could be seen far and wide Ö__Ö

panic in me was greater. The registry office was absolutely correct, is in a village there is no Two registry offices ... but why the hell did I leave no one there!

From the far corner I saw my brother along with wife, my mom and my ring child (and Super niece!) Trot. The well had parked further away for us not to steal the car parks.
distributed kisses, praise for hair and dress, and anxious to get that guy in time arrives.

to build tension, here is our ring pillows, right ring moins!

At 10: 55 Clock (-.-) then came together with my future angegondelt wedding jewelry car.
An image of the great ostrich follows of course, immediately!

Who hinguckt just seen my father in law: D

Well ran, yet smoothly, there were pictures taken by the excited bride and groom and then we walked into the wedding hall ...

There was already prepared everything nice ... and even in my colors:) (keyword RED) Our family records we have of course selected in red ... candles were burning and my heart beat up to the neck.

Schick, right? If I had done differently even non ^ ^

While the registrar it said (and I pulled together rough, non-crying) I realized what a wedding really means. Trust, respect each other and not least the love. Clearly we know from every movie or weddings of relatives of these events, but even to stand there trembling, to say in a broken voice, "yes" ... the triggers as much out in one.

Well, who has been waiting `At last, a picture of me along with hairstyle and dress, while I plug my husband's ring: 3 And Lui stares fascinated me in her own work XD

It may
be missing no Knutschfoto ... But that was after the marriage (and having me as a fat chunk of the heart is like oO)

hairstyle and bridal bouquet can be seen here well: 3

When I thought the worst would be done ... I was wrong!
for I saw bubbles rising at the window and that could only mean one thing ... There have been people at the registry office gathered Ö_Ö * dramatic music cues *

I yelped yet that I did not go down there, but My husband pulled me lovingly on the hands and then they were there ...

There they stood with this poster * sniff * I got many, given red stem roses and was showered with plenty of congratulations - my husband of course ^ ^

We had the honor to cut this Luv there ... with a nail scissors. The cut was pretty good OO
The Luv we are here anne nail wall and stick photos on it ... and the ring pillow * _ *

Yes, we were after the hustle and bustle - in the beginning of the rain! - Went to my parents Schweiger there to eat yet delicious ... and so I conclude from my report and still show a photo directly after dinner:) Had you well and I'm floating on cloud first on 7 ^ ^

Couple a life far \u0026lt;3


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