Friday, October 8, 2010

Scooter Black Core Wheels

I'm lazy, but at least make that stick to the 'half': 3

I got from dear Jutta a thrown stick what I love to Cancel. It is intended to answer eight questions and then provide more bloggers 8 new issues (I know absolutely non-whom shall I throw I leave the part with the new questions ^ ^).

Long story short: my 8 questions Here!

first What was your first post on your blog (except Hello world ) and why it should be the subject to start?

Phew, I just do not know which of the first article in this 'new' blog was. My old blog but I started with a text that has described my situation at that time. However, I've written it so, as it would be a 'story'. In itself, was what happened to me then the reason for blogging because I just was not done. As you can see how positive all this is now what I'm blogging today: 3

second How hard is it to you regularly on topics related to the write can you do?
would focus the wrong word. I'm only at irregular sections properly motivated to blog. I still have 2-3 subjects that I wanted to blog a long time, but just do not find the right mood to write it.

third You are posting comments you and persecute you, and what then if which answers meet?
I squint behind regularly ... but I find "only" 50% of responses to my comments. Is often really bad, but a little annoyed but it * a *

g 4 How much time do you spend blogging and suffering for the Real Life by it?

suffers with me the Real Life most definitely not blogging. My Schneck Eric complains rather that I am non longer occupied with something else than him * laughs *

5th Soon winter. What do you think about the "Uhrumstellerei" and do you sometimes forget it in your blog?
Bah, brings changing my - Anyway confused - rhythm completely confused.

6th What would happen, that you give up blogging?
Hm, so I should suddenly fall over dead or something so it would happen so tragic that I no longer blog can.

7th I am visiting, and was hungry. What I could find in your refrigerator?
Some of sandwiches, feta cheese, sauces (for meat or for general experimental cooking ^ ^) and sometimes the cold vegetable lasagna asked the previous day, 3

8th What is your larger dream?
Hmh, greatest dream ... That would be a house, 2 children with my husband soon ... and a job that challenges me creatively.

the very end: Since yesterday I officially live in my future, 3 years, before I officially lived with my parents yesterday and we are getuckert to the office and I am sooooo formally and officially Easter Ohrstedterin, 3 * giggle *


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