Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mirror Seating Chartwedding

Finally back news from Egypt ....

now I finally write again when I get new courage and slowly so that my energy comes back. Why? Since mid-November I finally go to my vacation. Now, after 10 months of uninterrupted work, it is slow and time. The season was long and ansträngend, I have learned a lot, seen a lot, I much disputed and reconciled and can now proceed with a good feeling in the holiday. The next season I'll probably spend back here, but then what will be definitely the last. But it can be quite good money here, so I will again depend on a summer turn to give me something on the page to save for difficult times.
have now I made about 300 dives over 100 students trained in various courses and learned some new experiences and collected.
Now I'm looking forward to visiting you all at home, and inventories to refuel my energy back again next year to full advantage by starting.

Greets from Desert Prince

Friday, July 17, 2009

How To Make Your Own I Heart Boobies Bracelet

a lot to do ........

here with me now in Egypt is slowly extremely hot right off the post. Today we have achieved since our capacity limit of 250 guests and work with beginners courses of 10-15 students which itself is a real challange for two instructors. Moreover
I feel after 5 a half months duration work slowly out of steam and I do not sleep much except work and. hope at the end of the year to pay makes this noticeable in the black.
profitable Otherwise it really come here to dive for this year the sightings of big fish as much as last time it was long gone here. Mantas are almost nothing special and the last trip Elphinstone was even a Tigerhei taken.
so nice greetings from the desert together

Monday, June 22, 2009

Free Knitting Papoose Pattern

time again Hurghada

Hi again Burger King Hurghada and I take the opportunity to maintain my blog.
have been given my first course, made my crossover to SSI and Pro NRC and gained much pleasure in diving and work. Unfortunately, I feel for the desert more so on the bag slowly next year and I will probably look for a new job at last once again Green to have around me.
is the moment, but first of all have before me a root canal then I'll get our new Divemaster trainees at the airport and hope that tomorrow I can enjoy a relatively relaxed day off.
I hope a productive season in 2009 will be and I come home more or less in the winter kingdom
:-) Wishing you all what and enjoy the summer.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mouth Sores Liver Problems

rain and cold in the desert

... yes yes real weather days we've been here for sau. it rains every now and again and it blows a wind which we regularly the port is closed. do best conditions in view of the back, we have almost 200 guests dip the. oh well what can you do. I'm still waiting for my educational status, unfortunately I can not teach and advance the nerves.
otherwise everything as it is here. lot of work, less leisure, less coal
;-) Greetings from the desert winter

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Avs Converter No Sound

It is finished, I am instructor

.... so now after two weeks of endless stress and excitement, I've finally made it and am now Open Water Scuba Instructor .
It was really bad two weeks ago that the hotel I was staying is more like a prison, and despite a daily visit to Burger King I again 3 Kg removed.
But now forget everything and I'm back in Marsa Alam where I could relate my old single again. Will now spend a Saisson in Egypt and then tell me what to look for next year again.
Greetings to all who read this blog yet.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Eurosport Adventure Elliptical Review

Easter impressions

It was a beautiful Easter Sunday morning. The day promised again sunny and warm up to, but now at seven clock you could still feel the cold of the snow of Rax, one of the last foothills of the eastern Alps, which has now been exposed already by the rising sun and fabulous with its white blanket of lush green landscape of the rest took off. My dog, Aron, and the line, I decided to pick, watercress from a nearby creek. A short piece we went by car, and after the residential areas on foot. Just a short, steep slope and we stood on the banks of the little mountain stream. Quiet it then bubbled in a pristine, fairy-tale landscape. The remains of the last wind breaks were seen still, 2 years ago had an arrant storm right lanes left in the forest. Jeztzt but everything was quiet in front of me, only the chirping of birds accompanying the murmur of the brook. Beethoven's "Sixth" came to my mind, this book describes the most excellent sound idyll that presented itself to me.

I almost forgot to these impressions, so I came here, but it was a real spectacle, what I got to see. The valley in which the stream flowed, was still in the dim shadows, next above me, a steep slope, you could see now illuminated by the sun, the very top of the tower of the castle, which stands guard over this landscape. In a few minutes they will have bathed the rest of this structure in their blinding light.

Now it was but it's still collect on cress, while picking I tasted some stems, their slightly bitter, but intensely pungent taste was very refreshing, a good meal was nothing in the way of. Enough, I wanted to Pöschung high, back to the car as something black next to me into the water splashed. I looked, I looked back over the yellow dots of a fire salamander and, on the other side, a second stretched his paws a little awkward on a small rock, an uncommonly lovely sight these reptiles - relics from the distant past. What can happen to you a wonderful Easter Sunday morning, still more beautiful - and at home we have an egg-seeking grandchildren expected for a Sunday breakfast .........

Friday, April 10, 2009

Wedding Seating Chart In Framed Mirror

Finally back home access

so now after 2.5 months in Egypt, 2009, I've now finally access my blog and can supply you with information.
What happened! I arrived back in early February in Marsa Alam and immediately continued with my dive master training and ended mid-March this successfully. After I collected a good six months experience and Dives I am now since I made the 7 April in Hurghada and make my IDC, say instructors. A 2-week course with anschliesenden tests. During this time, we pushed to the maximum, and to learn from morning bia only at night. If one is to become even more sick as I am at the moment is, of course shit twice. Nothing, despite the
I'll bite my way through and hopefully after these two weeks of my own can call OWSI.
Wishing you a good time and remember me net.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How To Connect External Harddrive To Lcd Tv

excited minds hair

Wedding Exhibition in Gloggnitz.

There's obviously plenty to see. Among other things, showing off a newly married couple, the models of the various exhibitors. Of course, the bride takes the appropriate hair style, and at issue here.

The hairdresser, who participated in the exhibition and also the hairstyle of the bride-Modlin's created, is something quite daring unconventional. A hairstyle with a difference. She seemed quite especially so, at first sight you can see, the bride has a Kapperl on. Inspieration she was at a fashion show on TV and I think the reaction has been very successful. Moreover, no hair part was used, they were all of Modlin's own hair.

But Yes! Need's it, can it? No, as it looks! That's not a haircut! The comments were definitely very diverse, and therefore supremely excited the minds of the viewers.

But that should be yes. With a single-class hair would all have agreed, no one would have noticed that the bride has any great hairstyle, but the overall picture would have worked, would be remembered sure nothing remains. But from this style you have spoken for days afterwards.

And how do you find this style - you can not find this such great as I do? Leave your thoughts. For the full view I have enclosed a picture-clip, I hope you like

thinks there Kuno Trimmel

this it at: http://kunotri.wordpress.com a post-post - please read!

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Dog Sounds Like Has Pneumonia

The miracle!

On my last night-reading I came across in the magazine "MATRIX 3000, Volume 46, July, August, 2008, to an interesting article. A report by Ernst Meckelburg "Kosyrev coverage" - Energy performance of the time.

He will report on experiments of the Russian astrophysicist Professor Nikolai A. Kosyrev who wants to bring readers closer to nature of time. It's here to win the so-called Kosyrev levels, with the time experiments on a new quality.

Newly flares up interest in entertainment films that deal with time travel and Reality Manipulation is no accident discuss renowned physicists and astrophysicists but now for years in respected journals seriously the possibility of spatial and temporal dislocations - the artificially induced invasion in different time periods or even in parallel universes. In the models presented by you are mostly backward movement in time, therefore time travel into the past. That's understandable, but the blows "Time Wind" in the "train time" is always from the front - the opposite direction. In our analogy, the time has diluted the front, here it goes - from our point of view - "slow".

"behind" us, the time contrast, "thick", ie, massed, resulting in greater travel time "distance" more comfortable . Let In other words: Temporal backward movements would certainly be less problematic than traveling in one of the yet to be lying or futures higher dimensionalities.

mirror worlds

Professor Nikolai A. Kosyrev, one of the most distinguished astrophysicist of Russia was interested in back in the 60s of last century for energy and "density" aspects of the experimental period and was doing some interesting discoveries. In his view, see the cause-effect relationship - causality - with the unwarranted distinction between past and future, in close relationship. His experiments are based on profound reflection, to a better understanding of the phenomenon of time need to be mentioned briefly.

Kosyrev has determined that the time has a quality that shows the differences between cause and effect. From the seemingly real number values by specific properties of the time structure can be also equal to the Grundtheorem derive the causal mechanism: A world with an opposite time structure corresponds to comparatively none, as reflected in a mirror.

remains in a mirror world, however, receive the full causality. Events there would have to run just as regularly as in our world. It would be wrong to assume that if a movie backwards allowed to proceed, we possess a world model with a reversed time direction sense. The signs of the time intervals can not formally change. For this would, so Kosyrev lead to the disruption of the usual time sequence, to a perverse world that would not be viable. ......

short at the end of the report:

From the result of his experiments Kosyrev concludes that the time in the cosmos, not spreading, but rather that it immediately and everywhere, that is, at the same time makes its appearance. On the timeline, then the entire universe would be as it were concentrated on one point - a theory that the model represented by the author a more than four dimensions comprehensive hyper-universe in an almost ideal match.

Kosyrev believes that the time-free transfer of information with statements of special relativity can be reconciled. In a "point-like" model of the world not only the applicable laws of physics would be maintained, but also find many unusual, that is paranormal and para-physical phenomena such as telepathy, precognition, and the like Erscheingen a statement.

hide behind these revolutionary findings are tentative approaches to the realization of a dream of humanity, in parallel with one of us in the future High living terrestrial civilizations was realized long ago. Time travel into his past. This might come to use the energy aspect of the manipulation time as an economic instrument to break the time barrier and penetration into other realities to bear.

Readings: Ernst Meckelburg break "time-experiments"
scientists the time bound
Michaels ISBN 978-3-89539-491-1

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Woody Birthday Supplies

fashion show


Just now I went to an unusual fashion show. Fashion and costume, with music by Hubert von Goisern, made me equal to hear everything, so I've also Show the rest consumed. There are just many ways to draw attention to a topic.

Under the slogan: "Adventure Tradition", presented at the fashion school Ebensee this remarkable video. Bold show it in this show its amazing creations that are truly imaginative and appealing, though I am my wife, although never very fashionable, can not imagine in all products. But that's fashion! Fashion is supposed to be provocative, and that is the students of the fashion school really succeeded.

I think this show is certainly entertaining molds for fashion!

equal to dance opened, Kuno

Monday, January 19, 2009

Glory Holes In Dallas,tx

Some knowledge of Yin - Yang

There is at present so totally wear fashionable, Yin-Yang pendant, in the form of coins, parts. A partner then transmits the Yin-half, the other the Yang side.
But what these words mean, Yin and Yang. It is certainly not important to know. Perhaps these coins parts have indeed a magical effect, the effect of the symbols? I do not know. Even more interesting, however, the meaning and effect of these two forces.
How likely, or place the contrast in our dual system (two systems) are:
man - woman
light - dark
Gross - Small
day - night
expand - contract
good - evil

And so on. But just the last example, good - evil, I'll have to move under this view, Yin and Yang are forces that complement each other, so one can not exist without the other. Without light's give no darkness, no day without night.
these forces are also always relative. So when I say the man is Yang, it represents the Yang force that woman is Yin, the embodiment of Yin energy is always a man more or less yang than another, just as in women, One is more or less yin than the other. Or
the food. Rice is a very balanced food, he comes from France, more northern area, he is more than that Yank who comes from Italy, southern areas, therefore more Yin. Now cook the rice, is one that is closer to the fireplace, so the bottom of the pot, more than that of Yang, who is top of the pot. Well, quite confusing for the beginning. Mir's was exactly, but I hope I offer it for granted.
If so nicely, you will say now, but why this whole. Why do I need it?
Knowing herein are from something, you can be in one direction or another "program". He turns by now, I hear you say. Well, I can not blame you, but will try to explain it.
it is good when things are balanced, that yin and yang to keep the balance. Disease is too much yin or too yang. So I can, knowing about my life (food, physical and intellectual activity) to bring my body back into harmony with the forces.
this I must know what is now the division. Broadly speaking, meat and animal products are Yang, fruit, vegetables and beverages, especially alcohol are Yin, grain is very balanced, so very well. There are, however, detailed tables.
A particularly good example is also a smoker (smoker) who drinks (the) much coffee. Smoking is Yang - Yin coffee here is similar to the one with the other, but with two extremes here, both are extreme in their effects. If you have a headache, usually a yang cause, because the tissue shrinks, and so presses on the nerves that people drink coffee, representing YIN has an expansive effect, thus counteracting the contraction of the tissue. Well first get tired of it. Well
describes Michio Kushi, author of many books on this subject, especially in the book "Macrobiotics - A healthy diet for a better future - the way to peace and harmony" are like Yin and Yank, so how these forces, even the history the shape humanity. It was written in 1988, but I think it is becoming increasingly important, we now see in how many things he was right, and like I always read back to refresh my knowledge again also. And to understand all this Far Eastern principle of our Western culture anyway very difficult to live also totally for it. Here, it is also dependent, to find compromises. I speak from experience.

Kushi experienced the devastation of Hiroshima, a key event that shaped his future decisive. About the peace movement, he came in contact with George Ohsawa, the founder of macrobiotics - the great life.

I I hope that I could spark some interest in this subject, you could just about fill countless posts, but I also know if you scratch the diet, one makes them unpopular with the majority - a steak is just a steak! No question, it's just too good. But here is precisely the principle of cause and effect. Everyone can and should decide for themselves.
Did they interested, drop me a comment, if not, one has to know nothing about, is it quite so well. This means
to Kuno

way, the second dual system I know uses the computer, it has got to be binary (0 and 1) something to do with yin and yang. For my part I see this as a (certain?) Match. Cough - cough .....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Transport Tv In Airplane

wedding exhibition in the castle

The term WEDDING IDEAS place this year on 21 and 22 February, the annual Wedding Exhibition in the Palace Gloggnitz instead.

you have to get married before?
Or would you offer your kids a great place to live for the day in schönstgen?
Then you are right!
On these days turns on the time-honored all around the castle theme wedding: bridal wear, wedding rings, table decorations, premises for the table, travel possibilities (car-coach), wedding lists, music for the table, Volkstumsbräuche and what else with it.

The castle, once a Benedictine monastery, was renovated for the national exhibition in 1992 and then continued as a wedding palace. The beautifully crafted baroque rooms, the registry office and the church provide a stylish backdrop for any party.

only recently brought my son a couple from Munich, through a forum here, and all were impressed by the ambience of those premises. A great party! It has to be really experienced. So what does

You still depends on this Hochzeitssschloss view. Now is the perfect opportunity to do so.
Here you have more information the exhibition.

See you soon at the Castle, says Kuno

Friday, January 16, 2009

White Graduation Dresses Juniors

I am pleased to welcome you to my new blog!

Hello, dear readers!
you are interested in young, cheerful fashion? Thoughts for a happy life, you don?
Then welcome! I'm here for you!
Yet another new blog to be sure some thought, come to my side. And noc h to about fashion. Now more than 40 years in this industry, I come so many times before even too old for this industry, but if I have customers that might already be most of my grandchildren and they still greet me kindly to the street, I think I lie not so wrong with my taste. This industry keeps you young in any case, a very different life I bring to so many up-to-peer with whom one can talk like that only on the board. Fashion
I keep seeing as a challenge, one can influence his life with the right exterior enormous, not without reason, it is indeed: "Clothes make the man"! Sometimes I see
Fashion as a provocation, in whatever form, I can choose and determine what I want to express. Watch only the events of the Catwalk "Haut Couture", or even orange-colored hair this is a means.
What I also like the "Beauty" bin. This is indeed an indispensable part of the fashion and is said to blend well with it. To this end I am working with a cosmetics and color consultant, once a week do you know you are in my shop for the best.
They use this service, you can only provitieren.
But the lifestyle, such as sports and leisure, health and nutrition, I counted in the broader sense of fashion. Always new insights and Offers make these issues very interesting and quite remarkable.
So if you have something interesting and want to know what I give all of me on such topics, please subscribe to my blog and check back on my home page .
plane - simply gay - simply fantastic.

Sincerely, Kunotri

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Superpump And Creatine Monohydrate


So now again for a month home in the cold and looking forward slowly I returned to the south.
will spend more months in Egypt and my training as an instructor end.
Hope that can then begin my journey and I have a little rum come in world history.

