Monday, August 30, 2010

Gay Male Full Body Wax London Ontario


There are so many things that I to you - or us - do not like.
We often talk past each other, the other get me wrong, accept false assumptions, and then do not talk about it.
Often I am angry about your supposedly funny sayings, especially if your or my family is there.
And sometimes I am so seriously jealous of what you can do what you know how easily you get (for my eyes) through life.
For the latter, you can not really something that is clear to me. But many a time I would appreciate a range of courses from your side, even though I always say that you were a bad teacher.
I know I'm exhausting and contradictory and you are talkative and blather on until their death, and sometimes very insensitive.

And yet, grade or so ...
There are billions of pages, moments, memories, and I never want to miss what I never get enough.

For every day I learn to love your laugh again and saw the rays of your green eyes ... I have never in my life such a beautiful color!
If you look at me sleepy will I grant you prefer to sleep off and rest next to you.
If you strolling through the shelves in the supermarket and I find you after a short search, I am always taken with it, which proceeds for attraction of you and I can not help but reach out to you and to touch you somewhere.
I come back from a long trip, was not at home a few days with you, you kiss me on the forehead and say that I've missed you. These are moments where I cry secretly with happiness.
middle of the night when I sleep in front of the PC sitting're running, you sometimes naked, sometimes slept over in shorts all up to me and stagger easily. These are moments where I upset you most like and would like totknuddeln. With lots of kisses.
If I move house in the bedroom, leave open the door and just hear your boss chair creaks, because you're halfway to being able to twist what I see, I can not help but to smile happily.

I love our similarities, despite the almost 9 year age difference. When we watch a movie together or just cheer for wrestling. Discuss, share experiences with no one is mad at someone.
Eating together at our favorite restaurants, like the steak house or the great Chinese man \u0026lt;3 always goes by much too quickly.
Or swimming with you, what is more rarely on the itinerary is always unique and beautiful.

I could list quite a few things that I out-"we" may be so, but that is beyond everything ... and the little bit that is not soo good with us, we also get to grips with it or go even already.
pride and luck is what I am feeling in our relationship, connection, unity.

You are my everything, the beginning and the end of the world, the one and yet so much more than that
My beloved, my adviser, my best friend with extras \u0026lt;3

Image: Google

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Where Can You Play Apples To Apples Online

Moving ahead! * Fanfare *

times again and I can only think of one thing: wedding preparations 111einself

And it's hard to believe we are actually a step further ^ ^ grooooßen one step!!. Because ... Our invitations are
(öndlich!) almost finished, you ^ must carry almost the only fine-tuning it ^ I'm going to all (approximately) 60-card draw something. Quasi for the personal touch.

'm totally jittery because next (or next) week to the registry office is, papers and all other file, and daaaaan goes to my favorite of all favorite subject (besides my dress )....

Image: Google

I guess that our rings (figuratively) look like this. He perfectly plain, I with light embellishments (stones, we will be impossible Is not

but bad, I think ^ ^ You say you definitely "Whaaat? Why no golden ring?" And for this I have some answers.

  • Gold is absolutely not my color (looks too much pale skin and silver to be better off) is ugly
  • Gold (jah, how objective XD)
  • Just because gold wedding bands are all the world-have, my / our not be so

Well, if my money is there, is also immediately ordered my dress (time too). Can not wait until it has arrived ^ ^ I'm going to request (if it would ever see someone previously) times within the e-mail or "show" so via the link, but non here, because my future to see it otherwise could; ) He is so sweet and wants to be surprised. (Jahan, I asked him what he prefers.)

years, that was far from the wedding front, so things are all quasi-gene stretch, with the preparations. A place for our celebrations Incidentally, we had at the start, there has Mobbler uncle Gausthaus;) thought that we really rock the hut there

so times quite exhaustive and by the way ... Inception is an amazing movie O_O I am from the socks, my dear Mr. Nolan!

So, goodbye and see ya: 3

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sudden Ringing In Left Ear

New location, new time: HELLO DARWIN here we are!

arrival Darwin. Fully Loaded and tired we stood in front of our neighborhood and no one opened the gates. Where the hell are they all? After a short search, we were then find. A more "inattentive" young man told us to our room. SHOCK: separate rooms! 03.00Uhr morning at all the 6-bed Dorm awakened quickly on the bed and off to bed. But the night was not really relaxing and thus be met Tina and Leonard in the morning at 08.00Uhr still a little sleepy and stressed mine. After we felt the 3000x Mitchell Street, in search of free wireless lan, high and went down and had the "room problem" resolved, it first went shopping for Woolworth.
incredible how expensive it is the "minimum" to live the life:)!

the Sunday evening we spent on the "Mindil Beach Market, and enjoyed at" Honey Chicken, Noodles and Rice "the beautiful sunset at sea.

depressed that we did not work (although we had not even looked properly:)) so we spent the Monday of our departure to organize the tour in Darwin and the Kakadu National Park. Then we chillten in the lagoon and in the evening we went again to the beach. Since we had found new friends, we could even go with the car ...

The next day we had to get up to 5.20Uhr and off to Kakadu National Park. This trip will probably remain forever in our memory. After an interminably long drive through the Outback, we were rewarded with the view of the "Arnhem Land". Breathtaking and wonderful the tour was a "River Cruise" in the evening to end, where we saw many beautiful birds and terrifying crocodiles.

On the one hand sad that we have the new-found friends left already, but on the other side happy in Alice Springs (our new goal) to gather new experiences and possibly find a job, we left Darwin the next day.
us stood a 24-hour train ride with "The Ghan" before, but which was by the comfortable amenities and legroom survive easily.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do Twins Masterbate Each Other

farewell to Sydney

our penultimate day in Sydney we spent, we went together with Gretel to the Three Sisters in Katoomba and received the first insight into the nature of Australia. It was incredible was how very far you look. The "Three Sisters" are a rock formation in the Blue Mountains, it is said that once there were three sisters who were turned into stone by their father to protect them from an evil man. After the transformation of the father threw away his wand, so that the bad man is not able to find him. Unfortunately, the father found him until now and therefore did not play the three sisters forever petrified.

While we enjoyed the incredible view, we were nearly blown by the strong wind from the observation deck. Nevertheless, we could not stop us and drove on to the waterfall of "Blackheath". Wonderful as well, but with fewer tourists crowded. From there we took the short trip home, and made even a little trip to a German bakery in order to qualify to come from fresh pretzels, the quite hit $ 2 per item in the budget.
Again At home, digesting the pretzels, we headed to the preparation of Berliners. DELICIOUS!

The next day, our departure was imminent. A quick concern a chicken with chips and packed the backpack's went off to the station and from there to the airport and after Darwin. This meant another 4 1 / 2 hour flight and time change again within a country!

And so was our stay in Sydney and the beautiful, sheltered life now finally over. From now on we were on our own and started our adventure "down under" ... of what we now expect we got no ideas ... to be continued ...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dragon Ball Yaoi Dojinshi

'Til Death

trembling and excited, I stood at the sign, where one could read, what was 'my' street. I looked to the sky and could hardly expect the first car with an "NF" mark to spot. Every minute felt
I took out my cell phone to notice, that passed since the last plan not look 30 seconds were.
"Do not be so excited," I told myself, "It must come out so not everybody gets the same date in a relationship!"
"Maybe he likes me, too ... not from writing her he was very sympathetic, but what if it's like with the last two?" The brooding wanted and would not stop and eventually it brought nothing except more excitement.

how it all started with me and you and I can not believe that this whole embarrassment, learn to know each other carefully, and feel for the first kiss are so "far" away and we have the have in 2010. 2007 is the year that started it all and acts like a Sun so distant memory.
I can still hear you say what your socks off me so haute, which I had expected not absolute.
2 days we sat together and I really thought that I would not be your case ... How far can you lie next to it. In
drunk have you been sitting on your executive chair, how do you do it always, your one tripping you up, by sending your ankle or even a part of your calf on the knee of the other leg.
you had you just stuffed a cigarette when you said "I want a relationship with you."
When I think back on it I must have looked incredibly stupid from washing. My whole illusion of it that you love me nice find and just did not want to be alone (which really was one of my theories, haha! How little I knew you but ...) was really crushed by this sentence.
sat with eyes wide open and I stared into the void. "What now?" I asked myself seriously.
"When he gets on the hopper just to want something from me, having me here has seen blubbering snot and water, after I rejected a thousand times his advice about a drink at the club and talk about not really had many beautiful things ... Why?

This "why" I'm still not really, but that is after all the time with you is no longer so important.
We have really black Hours mastered and I'm pretty sure that we have to overcome some obstacles and cliffs, but you know what?
I'm looking forward to have me hooked on it with you and leave you to that you will not let me go as long as I do not intend to.

And I'm looking forward like crazy to seeing the sparkle in your wonderful green eyes, when we both say "yes" and really mean it.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rash And Bumps On Forehead

[TAG] 10 things

So, here I getäggt from dear Panda he was coming now nu (and chances are that I'm big in my Wisdom or sometime verschussel) .

One should point out quite easy, what 10 things you learned since you blogging. Then times hopp!

Erstöns: Did I learn from Lush and I became addicted. Oh great! , P

Zweitöns: Did I get vieeeeel more readers and find out that the toll is * _ *

Dritto: I Have my love for writing and photography rediscovered.

Viertöns: red hair (and remain) quite simply AWESOME! (Whether in natural or dyed)

Fünftöns: muuuch make-up ideas have taken since the beginning of blogging at my feet ^ ^ I never knew before what ne base is good and now I'm not even out of nothing around.

Sechstöns : I have more my "style" and found the will to strengthen it. (While drawing, and optical)

Siebtöns : There are definitely enough good character blogs, and too many lousy make-up blog * puke *

Achtöööns: breasts rule the world. (Which still need an explanation?)

Neuntöns: I realized that I'm quite envious of pregnant moose ;)

Zehntöns: is the "best" knowledge for me is that there are people who are interested in my stuff: 3

I also want nu täggen anyone who wants, who may like to use a day, but please tell me will, indeed know what he has learned through blogging: 3

Friday, August 20, 2010

Tetraconazole Reviews For Yeast Infection

In dear memory (transfer from old blog)

I'm just back at times crying (it happens more often), I just "another" set a record for the death of my dog of almost 4 years . (No, I do not want pity from anyone, but this faithful soul is very important and I am just as much as I miss most, I feel compelled, in his latest blog also devote an entry.)
I find that I had it back then (in the old blog) formulated very apt and my text brings the emotion to cry because I still so on, I caress his picture on my laptop and leave you to read the text.

people come and go, things you get. Some break down, or be as good as an eternity.
But pets come and die eventually.
10 years damn long, I was just 10 when we our adorable little West Highland white terrier got.
a stupid name: Calypso. Cally fit to call us better and it bürgerte on.
We live in a block-house and all the neighbors knew the children and he often got too much of their goodies, but hey, he was nunmal the favorite here.
I do not know how many times he hurt me with its claws, or how many dolls he was then bitten by me or how many times he has urinated on my beautiful carpet, but he was small and you quickly forgive if he quietly at your feet was.
He could stand for hours on their knees and crawl the course was never too much. Small connoisseurs.
went In recent months he very badly. He could not eat more, nothing could keep her and he was just sleeping. The reason: a tumor spread almost throughout his body. From the stomach into the small back feet. There must be a go terribly.
When it came to the vet I was not there. I had come across the days before somewhere else, quite far away. I got to read the last response by SMS.
until a day later I drove home and that night before I went, it seemed to me in a dream.
I took him in the arm, and stroked him constantly. He was so pleased.
"I love you so," I said to him.
And then he was gone. My arms were empty. I cried uncontrollably and was awake.
A heavy heart is at home. And what remains is the knowledge:

Now you'll be OK. I love you very much.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Denise Nipples Milani

story so far ...

On August 10 this year, made two eggs in the big wide world. Their first target was Singapore that without further complications (except the Heulerei at the airport) arrived. Quartered in the "Albert Court Village" they fell on the first night dead tired to bed.

Day 2 began with a city tour led by the Litte India, Chinatown and Singapore City. Interesting wars all the time!

Finally we had enough. Tina: "I may now never fahrn bus!" Leo: "I also net I now hunger". Then it was time to "Sentosa Iceland, after we all had traditionally placed a stop at the Mc. At Sentosa we received a beautiful beach, unfortunately, gave us the water is not sufficient cooling. We spent the evening with a market tour and formative memories of the national food!

The next day we ran first ease up a little and walked to the most expensive shops on Orchard Road over (unfortunately without buying anything, because first of our bags are full, and second, the budget speaks a different language). After this violent effort we chillten back on the beach and treated ourselves to a 2-3, maximum 10Liter cup Sprite ... of course the Mc. : D

But that was enough, of course, in the heat (not because one has a lot of drinking!) And so we filled our "water" budget with a Singapore Sling, including 5 different types of alcohol. :) Something
tipsy and went with the sunburn per se, then on to the Night Safari Zoo. Unfortunately the Singapore Vosrichtsmaßnahmen from all the animals hiding from us and so we only got 5 different varieties of deer and a few birds in front of the lens: (
Late at night we went to bed, although to 6.00Uhr again rang the alarm, so that we missed our flight is not to Sydney.

Arriving at the Airport in Singapore, we were happy about the free Internet connection and surfed the first time for 30 min.

And once again we were for 7h. in the air. We are slowly but it would be usual, but still we were glad of the "freezer" get out. Longingly awaited us have our personal "transportation service", consisting of Allan and Petra, who are well protected in the Blue Mountains to our showcasing temporary residence at "Aunt Gretel" brought. Once there, we
were treated to cream puffs and hot tea:)

The next day we slept almost until around 14.30 and were on (haha). A quick shopping trip and a delicious salad (prepared by us) was the highlight of the day.

asleep, we were not able to, since we first 10h. were monitored. And so we rolled ourselves from one to the other side in our bed. Still tortured to from thoughts of the lost USB drives in Singapore and almost overwhelmed by the many blankets (you need here at the Temepratur really !!!). Today

then sightseeing in Sydney was on the agenda. So get on the train and after 1 1/2h. ride we strolled leisurely through the city. Now we are members of the "Youth Hostel" and were therefore included in the group of backpackers. YEAAAHHHHHH!!
The Walk through the Botanical Gardens to the Opera House swept our hair through the face. Relaxing granted us the birds from the pockets and on the endless search for the bus "555" (for free - we have no money;)), we almost fell into despair!

And as if we were not gone enough on this day, we went from station also "Spring Wood" on the long way home on foot! But that we should so get used too slowly.
Now we are sitting here with ice cream treats and everything you could wish for and report on "The journey of our life." On Friday it
goes on to Darwin where we went final on our own.

... continued ...

your Leo and Tina

current images are made from now on because of long load times in Facebook.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Subaru Wrx Shift Knobs

weekend drivel with Sista: D I find myself

So, here are a record full of photos and words about my weekend.
Well, to be exact, my Friday because the Saturday, my husband and I sat comfortably at home and Sunday, that is, today, we were visiting father in hospital. (If anything bad, he just got a new body part )

So, my Sista and I had settled a bit longer, that we want to do what Friday because she is the person most of us here and we hinkann also somewhere where you can get rid of money (or must). First on Friday a large bickering that has been what was intending to visit and stay at home and I simply "forget" has, or that we wanted to do just that.
Well, I have borne with composure, and she said that she could be prized for 2-3 hours, and meanwhile is waiting for your visit. Then I made myself something pretty, or whatever you call it.
ins car and at first set to Muddi GEDU to borrow some gas money (yes, I'm a sponger!) And then the Sista to receive the following look.

see with the Handycam my hair so pink or purple from oO

way, I am aware that my eyebrows are just ne disaster, but better * happy at the current growth of the critters non- * shameful
So, as I said, Sista bagged and then into our pub / Dööönerladen. There only fix a Coke, or Sista n Becks Green Lemon tilted down and diagonally to the pub opposite (without kebab) to destroy cocktails. For me as a driver of course anti-alcoholic, gave them the full Dröhnung * * höhö

I do nothing around, as was the nice guy with little hair (seen behind us easy) ... but the cocktails were great! I had sat n Coconut Kiss * * myamm

Then n guy next to us, introduced himself by saying: "Hi, my name is Johnny Cash" Such a statement can not, of course, impress my Sista and bleated a little drunk, "If you're Johnny Cash, I am the queen of China!" back. There was the first still, haha.
it does not prevent me feels like telling the same joke 50 times. So I nodded friendly and eagerly suckled a tasty brew. The guy behind us has meanwhile enjoyed themselves immensely with me, so we joked and laughed as we would know each other forever. Could I have well more often, so this feeling of familiarity.

To appreciate these nice gentlemen properly, here is a terrible group photo ^ ^

Hopefully I will Sista the picture is not bad ^ ^ '

Nunjam, we spent a funny time there and drank every 2 cocktails (must always be so expensive?). Then we went back to the pub with kebabs.
Well, there it was in itself not sooo much funny, except that I hit on by NEM gravedigger named Henry, who feels belong to Buddhism. I received many compliments that night and that made the evening also somehow beautiful, I must say.
Since I now out of juice, here are a few photos, as an extra with extra looove \u0026lt;3

The good Last but not least, because like the Sista \u0026lt;3

So, I wish you all a beautiful Sunday and today finally follows the continuation of Forlorn Hope;)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Flat Shoes Stay On Feet

Singapore 11th-14th August

After the 12 hour flight from Frankfurt to Singapore, and a very, very sad parting Singapore City received us with a little rain and moderate humidity Morz. Here are a few impressions, pictures say more than words!

The wonderful srand on Sentosa Iceland. There we have it let us go!
little snack at the bar with a final "Singapore Sling" afternoon at 14.30:)

only nonsense in your head .... is the similarity not striking?

addition to relaxing on the beach we did what our cultural knowledge. Here in China Town in front of the temple in the city tour on Day 2

The skyline of Singapore with arguably most impressive building in town.

Singapore was indeed worth seeing but we were also happy to pack for 3 days to return the packs to leave the steam and our adventure right now to start in Australia.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Pinewood Derby Free Template Police Car

shit, really.

Yes, I know is not necessarily a title that would get me more readers, but I am proud and happy to have my 13 readers. My old blog had when coming up, 3 readers, and thus is the happiness that I have in this experiment, indescribable.

On days like today I feel just from the air, in every respect.
I feel spongy, have a guilty conscience that I let the days pass me by my dear sister so hab. I hate myself for it.
Then comes the thought "You have to blame themselves, then move up times more, "and I hate myself even more for my thoughts.

In October I am in front of the altar. The thought itself makes me happy and I fever the contrary. But in every movie, every magazine occurs where a bride, she is beautiful, slim with a healthy, long hair is pinned up nicely. In a beautiful dress, which sets out all their positive stimuli or she plays around wonderful.
And then I stand, in my mind, before the altar. A big, ugly, red Klotz on easy heeled shoes. Super.

So, I was always a bit stout, broader than the others, my skeleton is constructed nunmal (no, the not a stupid excuse). I could not reach with bulimia in the world size 38, simply because I have gotten the giant skeleton of my father.
That's not bad. With 90 kilograms no one believed me that I weigh so much because I look like because of my size and disposition, as I would weigh 80th Now with almost 120 kilos of me also believes that no one, because it is simply "good" distributed at me. Most people appreciate me, to just over 100 kilos. This goal is reached again for the time being, because the way I am, I'm not happy, even if my future takes me, and loves the way I am.

If I am to see photos, find other people on it are I feel like ne huge, bold, with Balloons head equipped cow that is out cuts the best or photoshoppt with Liquify to death.

I hate it when I rummaule Sun I can not stand, I always so "close down". I hardly dare with a smile in the mirror to see.

Hopefully you forgive me for my thoughts and the way I deal with me, I can not prevail.
One can only hope that the same stepper does not collapse under me. to get