Monday, August 23, 2010

Dragon Ball Yaoi Dojinshi

'Til Death

trembling and excited, I stood at the sign, where one could read, what was 'my' street. I looked to the sky and could hardly expect the first car with an "NF" mark to spot. Every minute felt
I took out my cell phone to notice, that passed since the last plan not look 30 seconds were.
"Do not be so excited," I told myself, "It must come out so not everybody gets the same date in a relationship!"
"Maybe he likes me, too ... not from writing her he was very sympathetic, but what if it's like with the last two?" The brooding wanted and would not stop and eventually it brought nothing except more excitement.

how it all started with me and you and I can not believe that this whole embarrassment, learn to know each other carefully, and feel for the first kiss are so "far" away and we have the have in 2010. 2007 is the year that started it all and acts like a Sun so distant memory.
I can still hear you say what your socks off me so haute, which I had expected not absolute.
2 days we sat together and I really thought that I would not be your case ... How far can you lie next to it. In
drunk have you been sitting on your executive chair, how do you do it always, your one tripping you up, by sending your ankle or even a part of your calf on the knee of the other leg.
you had you just stuffed a cigarette when you said "I want a relationship with you."
When I think back on it I must have looked incredibly stupid from washing. My whole illusion of it that you love me nice find and just did not want to be alone (which really was one of my theories, haha! How little I knew you but ...) was really crushed by this sentence.
sat with eyes wide open and I stared into the void. "What now?" I asked myself seriously.
"When he gets on the hopper just to want something from me, having me here has seen blubbering snot and water, after I rejected a thousand times his advice about a drink at the club and talk about not really had many beautiful things ... Why?

This "why" I'm still not really, but that is after all the time with you is no longer so important.
We have really black Hours mastered and I'm pretty sure that we have to overcome some obstacles and cliffs, but you know what?
I'm looking forward to have me hooked on it with you and leave you to that you will not let me go as long as I do not intend to.

And I'm looking forward like crazy to seeing the sparkle in your wonderful green eyes, when we both say "yes" and really mean it.


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