Sunday, August 1, 2010

Shifter Karts For Sale

The child has a name!

Jaha, I have now pushed the end of the survey left a few hours and I passed one heart and a second blog, created especially for the story.
But do not fear, the madness goes on in bags ArsAmandi on ever since and will end only when I really have had enough of blogging.

who was alert now, has probably noticed that I've chosen a song and think it takes the mood well and plays back what constitutes a large part of the plot.
Forlorn Hope is for all those non-grade know, or too lazy to google, are simply translated as "futile". Symbolic any case, it could literally "lost hope", or otherwise interpreted or otherwise. Because of this complexity have I opted for it.

I hope you can all live with those decisions (on back there is nothing around that is * lol *) and I hope we will find even more readers to my story:) remains

Now I say only one thing: Who has not read Chapter 6 and / or comments of the like can now do on the New Blog 2t. I let the chapters 1-6 and the prologue on this blog are, but it is new Kapis only give to the new.

All chapters, as well as comments I have is imported, so get lost:)

Then it can even with my real Thoughts go and everything I fitktive lots of fun on :)


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