Sunday, August 15, 2010

Subaru Wrx Shift Knobs

weekend drivel with Sista: D I find myself

So, here are a record full of photos and words about my weekend.
Well, to be exact, my Friday because the Saturday, my husband and I sat comfortably at home and Sunday, that is, today, we were visiting father in hospital. (If anything bad, he just got a new body part )

So, my Sista and I had settled a bit longer, that we want to do what Friday because she is the person most of us here and we hinkann also somewhere where you can get rid of money (or must). First on Friday a large bickering that has been what was intending to visit and stay at home and I simply "forget" has, or that we wanted to do just that.
Well, I have borne with composure, and she said that she could be prized for 2-3 hours, and meanwhile is waiting for your visit. Then I made myself something pretty, or whatever you call it.
ins car and at first set to Muddi GEDU to borrow some gas money (yes, I'm a sponger!) And then the Sista to receive the following look.

see with the Handycam my hair so pink or purple from oO

way, I am aware that my eyebrows are just ne disaster, but better * happy at the current growth of the critters non- * shameful
So, as I said, Sista bagged and then into our pub / Dööönerladen. There only fix a Coke, or Sista n Becks Green Lemon tilted down and diagonally to the pub opposite (without kebab) to destroy cocktails. For me as a driver of course anti-alcoholic, gave them the full Dröhnung * * höhö

I do nothing around, as was the nice guy with little hair (seen behind us easy) ... but the cocktails were great! I had sat n Coconut Kiss * * myamm

Then n guy next to us, introduced himself by saying: "Hi, my name is Johnny Cash" Such a statement can not, of course, impress my Sista and bleated a little drunk, "If you're Johnny Cash, I am the queen of China!" back. There was the first still, haha.
it does not prevent me feels like telling the same joke 50 times. So I nodded friendly and eagerly suckled a tasty brew. The guy behind us has meanwhile enjoyed themselves immensely with me, so we joked and laughed as we would know each other forever. Could I have well more often, so this feeling of familiarity.

To appreciate these nice gentlemen properly, here is a terrible group photo ^ ^

Hopefully I will Sista the picture is not bad ^ ^ '

Nunjam, we spent a funny time there and drank every 2 cocktails (must always be so expensive?). Then we went back to the pub with kebabs.
Well, there it was in itself not sooo much funny, except that I hit on by NEM gravedigger named Henry, who feels belong to Buddhism. I received many compliments that night and that made the evening also somehow beautiful, I must say.
Since I now out of juice, here are a few photos, as an extra with extra looove \u0026lt;3

The good Last but not least, because like the Sista \u0026lt;3

So, I wish you all a beautiful Sunday and today finally follows the continuation of Forlorn Hope;)


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